作品简介:席勒是一位伟大的艺术家,也是我画画路上的一位导师,从他的画里面我看到太多不一样的东西,根据他的作品重新画一幅我自己画出来的感觉,纹身路上慢慢努力吧 .Schiller is a great artist and a mentor on my way of painting. I have seen many different things in his paintings. I will draw a new one based on his works
作品简介:席勒是一位伟大的艺术家,也是我画画路上的一位导师,从他的画里面我看到太多不一样的东西,根据他的作品重新画一幅我自己画出来的感觉,纹身路上慢慢努力吧 .Schiller is a great artist and a mentor on my way of painting. I have seen many different things in his paintings. I will draw a new one based on his works